Learning support for students occurs in a number of different ways. Classroom teachers deliver differentiated programs; catering for each child and their learning needs. Some children may have additional learning needs, identified by the classroom teacher, who may then refer to Student Services for support.

For students who require a higher level of classroom intervention and curriculum adjustment the Student Service team offers support to teachers. The Team provides the following:

  • Engagement with parents to identify external providers who can diagnose and assess higher learning needs such as Specific Learning Disabilities and Developmental Language Disorders.
    The Team will liaise with external providers, parents and classroom teachers to ensure the learning adjustments and support provided for learning is appropriate for your child’s needs.
  • Acquisition of resources through Disability Resourcing System
    The Team can apply for disability resources funding for various diagnoses. Financial resourcing allows greater access to multiple resources including consult from The School of Special Educational Needs-Disability (SSEND), a specialised program, Educational Assistant time and tailored resources.
  • Allocation of resources
    Depending on the learning needs of your child (funded and non-funded students), resources to support may include: Educational Assistant support, targeted literacy and mathematical programs, ED Connect tutoring, allocated literacy resources, accessibility options for technology use (including voice to text, and spoken content) and modified specialist programs.
  • Ongoing support, communication and allocation of resources
    Families with children who require additional learning adjustments are managed through Student Services in a caring, flexible and ongoing manner. We care about each family and their individual needs, and maintain open dialogue between all stakeholders. Classroom teachers regularly liaise with Student Services to determine appropriate learning adjustments for those students requiring help, available support and family involvement.