Athan and Lewis - A day in the life

Technology helps me to develop my vocabulary

Technology helps me engage with the real world

Technology helps me visualise abstract concepts

Persuasive unit of work - How technology links to and enhances the curriculum

Technology helps me

The Future Technology at Floreat Committee, made up of teachers and parents, are a sub committee of The Board who are planning the implementation of 1:1 parent funded, school managed iPads from Year 3 to 6 in 2022.

Our vision:

For all students to become confident, future oriented learners, equipped with the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate their digital future.  

Working in partnership with the school community, we will produce a future technology strategy which will ensure that: 

  • Students have frictionless, equitable access to technologies that support their learning in line with the Western Australian Curriculum 
  • Teachers and parents are consulted throughout the strategy planning process 
  • Clear and open communication strategies are maintained throughout the process
  • Requirements of Department of Education policies are met 

Our aims for students, teachers and parents to: 

Students  Teachers  Parents 
  • Have equitable access to technology which enhances their learning outcomes across the curriculum  
  • Develop age-appropriate digital literacy skills and knowledge 
  • Develop future readiness for subsequent stages of education and work 
  • Be equipped to safely and responsibly navigate in a digital world  
  • Develop high levels of digitally literacy 
  • Become responsible digital citizens 
  • Continue to develop confident and competent use of technology to improve learning outcomes 
  • Use technology to modify and redefine learning experiences 
  • Maintain a thorough understanding of the expectations of the curriculum in relation to digital technologies and ICT  
  • Continue to receive technical and pedagogical support with the use of ICT 
  • Have access to technology which helps improve their practise 
  • Be consulted and communicated with on the development of the future technology strategy 
  • Be presented with an equitable strategy for the future of technology at Floreat 
  • Understand how technology is used in school to support their children’s’ learning 
  • Receive guidance and support in effectively managing their child’s technology use outside school. 
  • Be helped with the transition to high school 

Our context

The past two Business Plans recognise that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will play a central role in the education and lives of our students. As such, ICT is an ‘enabler’ in The Plans; meaning it contributes to the success of each of the three core areas for improvement. 

Although there had previously been consideration of a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) approach at Floreat, it was decided that developing pedagogy (teaching and learning) with ICT was the priority before moving to BYOD. In essence, ‘get the teaching and learning right first, then introduce BYOD’.

Our approach

  • Pedagogy: As with any teaching resource, we recognise that teachers need to be confident and competent with technology before they can use it to improve learning. 
  • Infrastructure: The school networks were not previously suited to such a large amount of devices at the time. Cyber security and device management software was also not available to a satisfactory extent at that time.  This have been developed over the past three years.
  • Experiences of other schools: Having consulted with many WA schools, it was important to ensure the transition to BYOD was done carefully, with a focus on learning and in consultation with all stakeholders. 
  • P&C Support: Our excellent P&C worked with the school to co-fund a dramatic increase in devices. This allowed us to provide a 1:3 ratio of iPads in every classroom from PP to Year 6. This helped us focus on pedagogy and infrastructure before moving to BYOD.
  • Governance: Our strong governance through the Board and P&C has allowed us to work in close collaboration to drive ongoing improvement and change. 

As a result of these factors, ICT is now widely used across school in classrooms as a learning tool. We carry out NAPLAN, PAT and ICAS assessments completely online. 

Key terms explained.

ICT – ‘Information and Communications Technologies’. In the Western Australian Curriculum, students develop Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school. At Floreat, students develop ICT skills and digital literacy across all areas of the curriculum. 

Digital Technologies – Digital Technologies is a mandated learning area in the Western Australian Curriculum that aims to develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in designing, creating, managing and evaluating sustainable and innovative digital solutions; use computational thinking (including coding); data collection, representation and interpretation; apply protocols and practices that support safe, ethical and respectful communications; apply systems thinking to monitor, analyse and predict outcomes. At Floreat, the majority of digital technologies teaching is addressed through our specialist STEM program. 

If you would like to know more about 1:1 iPad program, please contact Matthew Wright (Deputy Principal), any member of the Future Technologies at Floreat Committee or your child’s class teacher.